Lets do the basics. How old? Where are you from? How long have you been skating? Who are your sponsors?
I’m 24 years old, from Reading Pa, and I’ve been skating for 11 years now. I currently only ride for Keystone Skateboards, but Bentley’s Boards, and Vengeance clothing have been helping me out as well.
What do you do when you’re not skateboarding?
When I’m not skating I work a crappy job, make music, play x-box, take naps, watch movies, eat five or six meals daily, draw silly pictures, read the newspaper, mess around on the computer, and think up which tricks I wanna do next time I skate.
What do you like most about your favorite filmer?
Favorite filmer? That’s a tough one. I’ll have to say Don Reed or Teffy D. to some. Not only is he one of my best friends but he’s got a great eye for filming, and editing. He’s also got the patience of a saint, and when I can’t stick whatever trick, he always knows when to either encourage me, or talk trash to get me to stick it. He also has a sense of humor that leads to him giggling quite often.
What the hell is Mythical Monster School and what did you learn there?
Mythical Monster School is a fictional institution much like Hogwarts. There they study behavior, and techniques for hunting mythical monsters. Courses include; Sasquatch, The Lochness Monster, The Abominal Snowman, Tom Cruise, and the Chupacabra.
I attended the school in a dream once, and learned enough to survive any unwanted monster attack.
I heard some rumors about you, Oprah, and some private hot tub parties. can you confirm or deny them?
Yes there are indeed hot tub parties, and if you were gonna throw it down in the hot tub why not do it with one of the richest most powerful women in America. My vision includes me and Oprah chilling in the hot tub drinking margaritas and, catching up on the hottist edition to her book club. I had my people call her people, but I’m still waiting to hear back from her. The offers on the table but I don’t think Stedman is gonna let it go down. So if you’re reading this Oprah please put on your bathing suit and stop bye the crib.
What about Star Jones? She’s pretty fly too.
Yeah I talked to her on the phone recently. She told me that this would be a very prosperous year, and to beware of pisces. Or maybe that was Ms. Cleo I called.
What are your plans for the near future?
Just keep skating, filming, and having fun while I still can. I’ll probably have a few hot tub parties as well.
Closing comments or shout out?
Thanks to LowLife for the interview, and thanks to anyone who helped me out with skateboarding over the past 11 years. Shout outs to my family, my favorite ginger, The Skookill crew, all the skaters in the 610, and the rest of my friends. keep an eye out for Keystone Skateboards and remember, in skateboarding you can always squeeze in three more tries!